Maison Rivière - Château de Callac White


The winery, Maison Riviere, is ideally located on the highest points of the Graves appellation, producing high-quality wines with a unique terroir.

Appellation: Graves

Region: Bordeaux

Grape varieties: 80% Sauvignon, 20% Sémillon

Winemaking: The wine is vinified in thermo-regulated stainless steel vats, with a stirring on the lees done every 2 days and then once a week.

Tasting notes: Velvety and suave on the palate, with a nice length and excellent acidity.

Food pairing: Fish, seafood, poultry.

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  • Categories:France, White wine, Graves, Bordeaux

    Tags: #France, #Frenchwine, #Bordeaux, #Graves, #Whitewine, #Callac, #Maisonriviere, #Winewinesituation