However, this is a very difficult challenge! Joining tiles must always touch at least TWO other tiles (see diagram), and all touching colors must match. Snu brikke nr. Leg alle stenen neer met de nummers naar boven. Posa les deu fitxes en forma de piràmide. De kleur op de achterzijde van de steen geeft aan welke kleurenlus u moet maken. Aseta kaikki pala numeropuoli ylöspäin. There are three different link shapes: corners, straights and bends. Bland brikkene og plassèr dem i en stabel med tallsiden opp. The perfect solution is a loop going through all 14 tiles with a score of 28. Vedi tabella sotto). All rights reserved. Discovery Puzzles: Your objective - build loops using all the tiles. Loops do not have to be perfect circles! The Discovery puzzle consists of ten hexagonal tiles, colour-coded and with numbers engraved on the back. Une seule boucle est réalisable pour chaque combinaison. Tantrix Solitaire: A tricky solitaire game using 14 tiles and requiring both luck and skill. Løsningen til andre opgaver kan være kredse, der er mindre regelmæssige. Brikkerne kan lægges til hvor som helst – forudsat at alle farver passer sammen. La puntuación máxima es de 28 puntos, construyendo un circuito cerrado que pase a través de todas las fichas. Tantrix also includes a comprehensive collection of solitaire activities such as the Discovery and Rainbow puzzles. © 2020 Ultra BoardGames. As the game progresses, gobble spaces will occur more frequently - so each player's turn becomes a three-step process of trying to fill any gobbles, then making a free move and finally trying to fill any gobbles again. Bland alle brikkerne og læg dem i tilfældig orden i en stak med nummersiden opad. Un espacio forzado es un espacio vació rodeado de tres o mas fichas. In puzzle 1 you have to make a red loop, in puzzle 2 two loops using any two colours (like the Super 5 Professor puzzle), and in puzzle 3 two lines of any two colours (like the Super 5 Genius puzzle). Continue joining all the tiles, one at a time. Tantrix Game (ages 6-106) Tantrix is not just an intriguing collection of puzzles, it is also a wonderful game that is equally good as a fun family game for 2-4 players or as an elegant game of strategy mixed with an element of chance for two. Si omplint un espai forçat es crea un segon espai forçat, aquest també ha d’omplir-se tant bon punt tinguis la fitxa que hi encaixa. A hurok színe az utolsó hozzáadott lapkán levõ szám színével egyezõ legyen. Make a 15-tile pyramid shape, which contains a continuous red line passing through all the tiles. Si una fitxa encaixa en dos espais forçats, pots escollir on jugar-la. The colour of the number on the tile just added tells you what colour loop to make, so the 4-tile loop is red. Recorda que el circuit pot tenir qualsevol forma, sempre i quant estigui tancat. Färgen är röd igen (som siffran). kertoo, minkä värinen rengas täytyy tehdä; neljän palan rengas on siis punainen. Start your turn by looking for gobbles that have not yet been filled. La puntuació màxima es de 28 punts, construint un circuit tancat que passi per totes les fitxes. Continuer avec la tuile 5 (rouge) puis poursuivre ainsi jusqu'à la tuile 10. Arrange all ten tiles in a pyramid shape. Remember, … Hver brik i en sammenhængende bane giver 1 point – mens hver brik i en sammenhængende kreds giver 2 points! Separa les fitxes, afegeix la fitxa 4, i construeix un circuit de 4 fitxes. Though the rules are simple, the tactics can be subtle and complex. indica il colore della linea da costruire (il 4 è rosso). Minden érintkezõ oldalpárnál azonos színû vonalaknak kell lenniük. What is Tantrix ? Our mission is to produce engaging articles like reviews, tips and tricks, game rules, strategies, etc. Cuando una ficha encaja en un “espacio forzado” debes colocarla forzosamente allí. Husk at alle andre farver på brikkerne også skal passe sammen! Make a ten-tile pyramid shape, which contains a continuous blue line passing through all the tiles. For example, a loop of 12 tiles means a score of 24 points, which wins over a line of 23 tiles. Whenever tiles touch, the colors of the connecting links must be of the same color - they must match! a size 5 triangle. Los colores de las conexiones de todas las fichas también deben coincidir. There is only one possible solution for this puzzle using those specific tiles, disregarding permutations. Start by sorting the tiles into piles according to the colors of the numbers on the back. Turn all 10 tiles upside down so their numbers face upwards. Contains 10 hexagonal tiles in a wood or chrome stand. Every time a gobble is filled, the top tile from the dis- card stack can be returned to the bag, or played. Barreja les fitxes i posa-les apilades a l’atzar amb les cares numerades cap amunt. Whoever removes the last tile from the bag announces "bag empty" and the three restraints no longer apply. Break up the tiles, add tile 4 and make a new loop of four tiles. Der fortsættes på samme måde med at tilføje én brik ad gangen, indtil man når 10 brikkker. Combiner 2 Tantrix Discovery et continuer jusqu'à 20 : le n°1 devient 11 et la boucle à réaliser Jaune etc…, Tournez les 10 tuiles de façon à lire les chiffres, Retournez les tuiles 1, 2 et 3 et faites une boucle. Yellow Puzzle: (12 tiles). Amb les 10 fitxes es pot construir el circuit en els tres colors; groc i vermell, a mes de blau. The Blue and Red Rainbow puzzles both are "Line pyramid" puzzles. Take the next tile and join it to the first one, with all colours matching. You will receive 1 point for each tile used in the longest line or 2 points for each tile used in the longest loop. There are 5 different puzzles, described below in order of difficulty. Cuando lo consigas, puedes empezar de nuevo y construir una línea azul siguiendo las mismas reglas. Break up the tiles, add tile 4, and make a new loop. If your tile fits two forced spaces, then you can choose where to play it. All puzzles have one rule in common: Touching links must match in colour! I assume you are playing with the Tantrix Discovery, the 10 piece solitaire style game. El circuit tant sols pot fer-se en un sol color, però ¿en quin color? The color of each new tile's number shows what color loop to make (tile 4 is red). Du må holde brikkene i pyramideform og forsikre deg om at alle andre fargebånd er riktig (ingen brudd i fargebanene). Rengas voi olla minkä muotoinen tahansa. Other puzzles which have more tiles may have multiple solutions, where the shape of the loop varies. These are the 4-10 puzzles (with all three solutions for the 10) from the website. Players then take turns adding tiles, following the basic rules. Med tio brickor finns det lösningar i alla tre färger; gul, röd och blå. Spred de første 3 brikker, tilføj brik 4 - og dan en ny kreds ved at lægge de 4 brikker sammen. Quan ho aconsegueixis, pots tornar a començar i construir una línia blava seguint les mateixes regles. Coge la ficha siguiente, conéctala a la primera y sigue así sucesivamente. To illustrate the "no holes" rule, consider the following set of 10 tiles. I do love that game. Kymmenellä palalla saa tehtyä renkaan jokaisella kolmella värillä; punaisella, keltaisella ja Husk at en kreds kan have mange former - men den skal være lukket. Cuando hayas colocado todas las fichas observa cual es el color con mejor puntuación. Begin with all tiles in the bag. Then keep this sequence in mind, as you scan your tiles to look for it. Drehen Sie die Steine 1, 2 und 3 um und bilden Sie eine gelbe Schleife (in diesem Fall einen Kreis). Her blir det en sirkel, men jo flere brikker som anvendes, desto mer uregelmessig blir løkkens form.

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