• I feel like I’m having contractions — they don’t hurt, but should I worry about them? Some doctors will have numbers they want their expectant moms to call during office hours, to speak with a special labor and delivery nurse, and others may have an after hours number for pregnant patients. You almost delivered at 37th-38th and you experienced lightening or the descent of the fetus. 18 Ask a Question. 17   AdChoices, All information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be used to treat or diagnose any medical or non-medical condition. ... Week 28 Week 29 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Week 33 Week 34 Week 35 Week 36 Week 37 Week 38 Week 39 Week … Meet & Greet! • My feet, ankles and hands are even more swollen — when do I have to worry about preeclampsia? 4 So I let her go ahead and do the membrane sweep, which didn't hurt at all just felt a tiny bit of pressure. See how your baby grows each week throughout your pregnancy with advice and While it is unlikely you'll get a dire and direct answer, you can find out any possible complications that you are being watched for. It’s likely that this appointment will be the longest of any other you’ll have. Dilation  had changed to 3, and baby's head was at -2, so he wasn't digging around so much. He might talk about going over my due date today, although I know for sure he'll bring it up Monday at my 40 week appt. 3. Tell your doctor about any symptoms you've been having and ask if supplements can help. Do you still think my due date is correct? How do I stop him putting his name on the birth certificate? I think with DD he touched on it at 39 weeks, but then we scheduled the following week when I was overdue. You need to know if you are gaining the amount of weight recommended for your frame, and if you are gaining at an appropriate rate. 10. 12 Read more: What it's like inside the doctor's office of the future. This action cannot be undone. It's OK to ask about a second opinion if you aren't confident in your doctor's diagnosis. Read more: How to talk to a doctor online for free (and for a fee). But what you described sounds exactly how my sweep felt. It's pretty annoying when they don't tell you what's going on. My OB doesn't do internal exams until you are in active labor or there are complications, so I'm fairly certain they won't do this today. 26 Last week, my doc thought LO was getting big, which would potentially jeopardize my ability to have a successful vaginal delivery, but since they can't do anything until 39 … I have my 39 week appointment today. Find out with our due date Contact Baby Corner Uncomfortable flew out the window. "What's keeping you from performing induced labor or TOL (trial of labor?). I've been known to tell docs I need an English translation. My doctors did this as well. we will induce as I have GD, and my BP has been elevated, but not enough for it to be a sign of PreE. Surprise! 1 Differentiating false from true labor, the progress of contractions, complications to watch out for, things to prepare for are supposed to have been discussed. 6. 2019. Thanks! Pregnancy If you have a family history of diseases, however, your doctor may want to screen you for those specific conditions more often. Questions You Should Ask Your Ob-Gyn at Every Visit Katlyn Joy |29, October 2012. Ideally, women should see their OB once a week during the first 7 months of pregnancy, twice an month until the 36th or 37th and then once a week after that. Vaccines aren't just for kids: adults need them, too. today. Your doctor may be able to recommend supplements based on your medical history, especially if you've been seeing the same doctor for a long time, but in many cases, blood work is necessary to determine a true need for supplements. And if you come to your visit prepared -- such as with a copy of your insurance summary of benefits and coverage -- you and your doctor can decide together what is the most cost-effective option that fully supports your health needs. 6 is there some that i should be asking? So if ur wanting something to happen then ask. and as a FTM I don't always know what questions to ask... so that's a little annoying. What tests will I be given next and are they optional or required? If you're generally healthy, your doctor will probably recite the basics: Get more sleep, manage stress, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. A cheat-sheet for all those questions to ask your midwife and the answers you’ll want when you fall pregnant. Some docs wont do anything till ur a week over. 11 12 I have mine today too, although I'm not due until Tuesday. She also said she will do an internal next week to see how my cervix is. I swear if I didn't ask her if I was dilated she wouldn't of said anything at all. Baby Corner moderates and approves all comments before they are posted. They're checking to see how your cervix is progressing. I had DD Tuesday early afternoon. So I guess what I am wondering is, if you have an internal exam without getting a membrane sweep can it be rough and painful on its own? 8 Here are some final questions to ask as you approach your baby’s birth: Your browser is not supported. During every consultation, patient teaching is given the nature of which depends on the period of pregnancy. Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page. 7. Your dashboard may experience future loading problems if not resolved. Honestly, not very. Questions You Should Ask Your Ob-Gyn at Every Visit Katlyn Joy |29, October 2012. As im due to see my midwife at 39 wks and she will give me an internal and if all looks good she will break my waters for me and see what happens. 5 being on the 39th week, means you have been informed of all possibilities and the necessary things you need to prepare for when it's time for the baby to arrive unless, you were not heedful of your doctor. Ask Your Doctor These Questions Pregnancy is an exciting, 40-week journey, and you’ll go to your OB-GYN or midwife’s office often as your baby develops. I don't necessarily want to be induced, but I want a firm date in case I do go past Sunday. Adults need vaccines, and not just the flu vaccine. I mean, she did tell me to prepare for some cramping and bleeding after the appointment. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I'm anticipating the same thing happening this time bc I have absolutely no signs this baby wants to come out. It's over in ten minutes and then I schedule another appt. 13 I had an internal exam...I guess. 11 While probably never your favorite question to get answered, this is a measurable factor that you can have direct control over. You may have low blood pressure your whole life and for some reason, perhaps permanently unknown, you can develop pre-eclampsia. Many women have difficulty getting the answers they want at their prenatal visits. Year It's my 4th, so I knew they shouldn't be in there so long. You are commenting as . Yes, it definitely feels uncomfortable sometimes. If your doctor does confirm that you should be concerned about your weight, follow up with questions about physical activity and nutrition. ... or ask a question. Community Get a heads up on likely symptoms for this stage of pregnancy, find out what red flags to be watching for, and know the policy on when to call for what situations. At some points in pregnancy certain over the counter medications may be taken but later must be avoided. You may leave with good intentions and plan to make your next appointment after looking at your calendar, but the hustle and bustle of life can get in the way and, next thing you know, you're way past due for your check-up. Here's another question then. Typical routine stuff like you mentioned, only this time she asked me how I felt on being induced. Be sure to ask: This month’s appointment falls toward the end of the first trimester. Get the doc's input each visit for ideas of what your "homework" can be. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Some women may feel rushed and get tongue-tied while at an appointment. I need momma bear classes :). 9. If you suspect you might be due for a vaccine, be sure to ask at your next doctor visit. We are due date twins and older daughter twins lol!! I was scheduled to go in on Monday night right before the nurse shift change to start cervadil. What is cord blood, and should we consider banking it? What activities are safe — such as exercise, sex or flying? Sometimes in a pregnancy the dates will fluctuate a bit, and you'll want to be on top of the d-day date. is there some that i should be asking? Copyright © 1998 - 2019, BC Interactive Media LLC, Baby Corner. 20 You should be getting the internal exam as well so they can make sure LO's head is down, how much effaced they are and how many cm's your cervix is. What are the emergencies that could arise now, and when do I call, and when do I head straight to the ER? And what prenatal vitamins or supplements do you recommend?

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