Abortion is not empowerment, but life can bring a smile to any face and offer hope for the future. Stay informed and take action with urgent pro-life news and alerts. Check out some of the. Pro-life employers, in both the church and the private sector, do not need to wait for a government mandate to begin building pro-family workplaces.

ND Search our directory to find other Pro-Life Professionals located in your area. Companies like these know that their messaging inspires us to buy in because it resonates with who we are as humans. There are national and international companies in America that support unborn babies and mothers through their businesses. This ad was filmed in 28 countries and highlights the unity, love, and community that Starbucks creates in their coffee shops internationally. The mother featured in this ad provides the Frito Lay’s snack that inspires jealousy in all her son’s peers. The family life is thriving and they want everyone to know they’re loved. A thriving culture exists because of life. When we speak about the unborn, we agree with the sentiments of all these companies who showcase the beauty, passion, love, joy, and hope found in life through their ads. The group has been successful in getting pro-life Americans to boycott companies that back the nation’s leading abortion company and getting corporations to end the relationship. Unfortunately, $25,000 from Blue Shield goes to Planned Parenthood every year. She courageously carried her child to term and a couple adopted the baby. There are steps short of fully funded family leave—which may be out of reach for many cash-strapped dioceses and nonprofits—that employers can take to ensure that parents do not have to choose between supporting their families financially and spending time with infants and young children. “When she discovered she was pregnant she went to a clinic to have an abortion, but then changed her mind. We agree with the March of Dimes ad, far too many die and we need to help them survive. Here are seven companies that pro-lifers can patronize this holiday season: Gold’s Gym and Omni Hotels We can't do it without you—America Media relies on generous support from our readers. Listen to the 911 Call: Medical Emergency at Aurora, Illinois Planned Parenthood. Subaru’s 2018 commercial may be the most outspokenly pro-life ad of all. LDI also investigates nonprofit organizations to determine whether they either support abortion or have made financial donations to Planned Parenthood. But mothers and fathers should be able to feel secure in their decision to bring a child into the world without having to depend on the rulings of justices or the votes of politicians. Last year alone, Planned Parenthood received. Pro-Life Action League bloggers share their perspective on vital pro-life topics of the day. Forbes Magazine (a Conservative-leaning periodical) just published a study by Goldman Sachs (obviously not a liberal institution) that said a nationwide face mask wearing mandate would save 5% of our GDP, or $1 trillion. Photo by Laura Lee Moreau on Unsplash . Over the past five years, multi-million dollar companies like Subaru and Nike have put out high-quality ads, many with a decidedly pro-life message, featuring families and children to appeal to their customers. Posts from the ‘conservative, news, patriot, prolife, pro-life, business ethics, new technology, science, culture, culture warrior, glenn beck, constitution, freedom, first amendment, catholic, radio blog, blogtalkra’ Category. Logging in will also give you access to commenting features on our website. “As a direct result of the commitment, action and prayers of pro-family people, at least 366 corporations have stopped funding Planned Parenthood,” said LDI Board Chairman Thomas C. Strobhar ), Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), Toronto-Dominion (TD) Bank, and UnitedHealthcare. Strobhar said the ongoing success of the Corporate Funding Project is due to the tenacity of pro-life people who “understand the power of the dollar and are willing to go the extra mile for the sake of preborn children.”. The Washington state company uses the sales of its bathroom mirrors and other items to advocate for unborn babies. Granting more flexible schedules or the option to work remotely allows parents to spend more time with children during the essential years of early development and can cut down on child care costs. In North Dakota we have a population that is a majority of people who are self-proclaimed as pro-life and pro-business. As a frequent reader of our website, you know how important America’s voice is in the conversation about the church and the world. Fortunately, pro-life advocates do have options. Contact us today. Expedia provides $5,000 grants to Planned Parenthood each year, although one of their ads focused on making family memories. Catholic organizations and business leaders should be at the forefront of efforts to create more family-friendly workplaces. Founded in 1980 by Joe Scheidler to put pro-lifers like YOU into action. We may not be able to change corporate decisions regarding their donations, but we should be aware of the inconstancy between their messaging and money. Celebrating fatherhood and the desire to protect and provide for one’s children should be honored. This Christmas season, countless people will be purchasing items for their loved ones. A thriving culture exists because of life. The Pennsylvania Mennonite company makes kitchen cabinets and other products, but it also has taken a strong stand for life. Especially because pro-life implies the desire for health, abundance, joy, strength, empowerment, education and support. The craft store chain successfully fought against the Obamacare HHS mandate, which would have forced the Christian business owners to pay for drugs that may cause abortions in their employee health plans. The organization exists to empower moms and babies to have a healthy start, so why did they give $24,000 to Planned Parenthood in 2013? In Belize, death is a part of life. It is easy to be pro-Life and pro-Business when all you have to do is share a story that agrees with you on Facebook. Holiday gift-giving can be difficult when you don’t want to patronize a company that supports left-wing, pro-abortion politics. Through your support of the businesses and products advertising on BuyProLife.net you are helping to build up an “Economy of Life”. Amazon’s Japanese ad highlights building bridges and fostering acceptance through a toddler and the family pet. He wrote in 2013: “Being Christians, we don’t pay for drugs that might cause abortions, which means that we don’t cover emergency contraception, the morning-after pill or the week-after pill. Owners Norman Hahn, Elizabeth Hahn, Norman Lemar Hahn, Anthony H. Hahn, and Kevin Hahn said they want to run their company in a manner that reflects their Christian beliefs, including their belief that God requires respect for the sanctity of every human life. Owners Dan and Farris Wilks have donated millions to support pro-life political candidates and pro-life organizations, including Heartbeat International and Care Net, which serve millions of women and babies every year through pregnancy resource centers. View all posts. TRY IT OUT. Empowering YOU to get active in the fight against abortion in your own community, Find out how YOU can save babies from abortion in your own community. “Fetus” is a Latin term meaning “little one”, used to describe a stage of development, just like “infant” or “adult.”…, Despite the claims of some abortion advocates, support for abortion among the American public is rather shallow. Here are 10 pro-abortion corporations that use pro-life messaging: Starbucks provides matching gifts to Planned Parenthood, even though their 2014 ad begins with the thriving energy and joy children bring to the world. Since you’re a frequent reader of our website, we want to be able to share even more great, As a frequent reader of our website, you know how important, 47th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Archives . Thankfully, abortion rates in the US reached the lowest number since Roe v.Wade and were below one million for the first time since the 70’s, according to the latest research by the Guttmacher Institute. Your source for jobs, books, retreats, and much more. The advertising industry knows that using children in their marketing campaigns sells products. This scene is one of the most powerful portrayals of what takes place inside Planned Parenthood’s abortion facilities. Please contact us at members@americamedia.org with any questions. Pro-Life Action League bloggers share their perspective on vital pro-life topics of the day. Owners Gary and Diane Heavin donate to a number of pro-life organizations, including the National Right to Life Committee and CareNet, one of the largest pregnancy resource center organizations in the U.S., according to Live Action. Last year, 2ndVote made headlines in conservative news for revealing Planned Parenthood’s corporate donors after undercover videos exposed the abortion giant’s harvesting of aborted baby parts. Executives and managers should also create a workplace culture that does not penalize or stigmatize those who choose to take advantage of the benefits available to parents. Save the Storks® is a 501 (c)(3) • EIN: 461031815. If this is not enough for you, let’s look at this from a purely economic perspective. The pro-life and pro-choice movements primarily come into conflict on the issue of abortion. Découvrir Gestion de flottes VL/VU Découvrez notre gamme de pneus et solutions pour véhicules légers et utilitaires. Frito Lay’s ad showcases people willing to trade anything for everyone’s favorite snack – chips! The past cannot be changed, but there is a brilliant hope for the future if we step up and care for women and children who find themselves in unexpected situations.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 16 percent of workers in the private sector have access to paid leave. All the facts and arguments YOU need to share the pro-life message. Pro-lifers often hear about businesses they may want to avoid because of those businesses’ support for organizations like Planned Parenthood. Wondering why we ask for your email, or having trouble registering. We believe doing so might end a life after the moment of conception, something that is contrary to our most important beliefs.”. This last one is a reminder that most black-owned businesses, like most businesses in general, aren't glamorous or well-known, but they can still be very successful. Sixty-three percent of Americans agree that life begins at the heartbeat, so how does Starbucks justify supporting an organization that exists to stop a heartbeat?

This commercial beautifully depicts the reliability of Subaru’s product and the desire to make lasting memories as a family, so why would they indirectly provide funding to businesses which openly support abortion clinics?

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