Some scholars of Islam have differed over what type of seafood is halal and haram. Imam Al-Baqir (a.s.) [Al-Kulayni, Al-Kafi, Vol.6, p. 219] no. Everything that can cause harm is forbidden as food, even if it comes

pursuit) refers to whatever is taken from it alive, and ta’aamuhu The wisdom behind the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbidding us to kill frogs is unknown. What is Halal Chicken? What do the learned Ulama-e-Deen and the Mufti’s of Islam decree in the issue of Jhinga (shrimp / prawn).

Is it OK to eat apple at night? If they were haram Allah would have mentioned it in His eternal revelation – the glorious Qur’an. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “… Allaah intends for you ease,

This is because crocodiles and alligators are predators with fangs. (See al-Mughni, 11/83; Haashiyah al-Rawd, 7/430; Tafseer Published on Monday, 23 April 2012 17:44 in Fatawa - Read 63906 times .

Majority of the scholars of Islam consider all types of shellfish to be halal. Therefore, the view of the former is considered to be the strongest.

Seafood such as shrimps that do not have fins and scales so they are not Halal.

The Hanafi school of thought is the only exception. Dead fish is fish that died of natural causes or was killed by another animal before being caught. How is it possible that a