Reacting to situations like these is not good enough when children’s lives are on the line. The continued spate of school shootings indicates that more needs to be done to help protect people on campuses. In the future, parents of the students must allow them to enter schools and feel confident that they will be safe. School officials should feel free to open-carry. Waiting periods are mandatory in many states, and, Foreign Policy of China (Beijing consensus) Parents should stop worrying. ...Elementary school teachers work in public and private schools. self-defense. Retrieved April 28, 2019 from Teachers will be able to react more quickly while waiting for law enforcement to arrive at the scene. This fact generated a tremendous shock: two teenagers shot their classmates, they were armed with two rifles, one semiautomatic carbine, other powerful gun more and a pump of propane; finally they committed suicide, knives, and bombs concealed beneath their trench coats and opened fire on their classmates and teachers. 13 December 2013 Guns and Teachers “Gun control debate aside, the idea of armed teachers is a good idea because it will provide a deterrent to mass school shootings.” Yes, there is a possibility that arming teachers will discourage school shootings but if the shooter has a really good reason to do so, they will stop for nothing to complete what they have started. In less than an hour the detonated thirty handmade bombs, shot and killed twelve students and a teachers, and injured twenty-three others. On May 18, 1927, Andrew Kehoe entered the Bath Elementary School killing thirty-eight people and injuring fifty-eight. For decades there has been a great controversy as to whether or not the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justified. Education Week. The World Views and China (Beijing consensus) Administration has started to brainstorm different ways to help insure the protection of their students. With every attack that has occurred, how have we failed to stop them? Teachers should have an option to be armed Instead of giving an instant yes or no answer with a explanation that is not their or will most likely never happen, the older population give a thoughtful answer. We already have districts acting in … Professionals believe that arming teachers in school districts can help protect children from the up rise of violence in school. The idea of having teachers carry concealed, All around the world, there is violence in schools that is so serious many students, teachers, and other staff members get seriously injured, or even killed. Just because it is illegal does not make it stop. Although most people do not want guns in schools, teachers will be our best security when they are armed with a firearm. Teachers Should Have an Option to Be Armed 782 Words | 4 Pages. Retrieved April 28, 2019 from One of the primary disadvantages of arming teachers is the fact that a gun changes the rules of liability on campus. My answer is yes. Most buildings, including schools, have minimum or even no security and almost, Should Teachers be Armed They record student attendance each day. WGU I am a high school English teacher. They are influenced by constitutionalists, who along the NRA (National Rifle Association), “believe that gun laws actually make communities less safe by disarming the good guys. Many people argue that they should ban guns just like other countries have to prevent any shootings of any kind, but President Trump has an idea stated in “Trump suggests arming teachers as a solution to increase school safety” by Dan Mercia. Because of school shooting like Sandy Hook and many others, schools all around are finding ways to become more prepared in case of this kind of tragedy. My heart goes out to Amir who worships his big powerful father, even though his father doesn’t seem to love him. The simplest solution to this problem is to outnumber the bad guy with, With all of the school shootings that have happened lately I’m sure that most parents would want their child protected at any cost. That is why in order for schools to increase safety for students and teachers, they must study past events, develop a specific plan for safety and train responders and staff on what to do when school shooting occurs. Both burglars and robbers would be more likely to carry guns if they expected their victims to be armed”. In this model of teaching the learner is responsible for their own, Introduction Retrieved April 28, 2019

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