Thanks Bobbie . Central Oregonians love the rock chuck (they even have a local. No your eyes weren't playing tricks on you, Rock Chuck do climb trees! The main predators of the Yellow-Bellied Marmot are wolves, foxes, coyotes, domesticated dogs and humans. Because of the large amount of them seen here at Tetherow, they are unofficially but affectionately known as the Tetherow mascot. It is considered quite remarkable that the Yellow-Bellied Marmot manages to do so on such a low calorie diet. They are primarily herbivores and love to eat grass, so make sure to keep a keen eye on the Tetherow golf course for yellow-bellied marmots looking for a snack. [3] The weight fluctuates quite drastically through the year, with the least measured in early spring and the most measured in early autumn. [3], They are found in valleys, meadows, and foothills, and tend to occupy open areas which are free of vegetation. They reside in colonies of about ten to twenty individuals. Rabbits and deer eat some of the same plants, so make sure to check for burrows before concluding that you have groundhogs. They are diurnal and feed on plant material, insects, and bird eggs. The Yellow-Bellied Marmot prefers dry and open-spaced habitats in the western United States and western parts of Canada, including the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada. Their hibernation period varies on elevation, but it is typically from September to May. They have a rather frosty appearance with some of the guard hairs having pale tips with dark bands. They believed if the day were sunny, the small woodland animals would see their shadows. Imbolc, which eventually became the Candlemas feast in Christianity. Soon, the groundhog became the spokesperson for the weather prediction. Riley Baxter – Firearm/Ammo Reviews These predators include foxes, dogs, coyotes, wolves, and eagles. The Yellow-Bellied Marmot enjoys a very healthy population despite all that and is on the least concern list of endangered animals. [7] They choose to dig burrows under rocks, as it is less likely to be visible to predators. On average, a Yellow-Bellied Marmot will weigh 3.5 to 11 lbs, but it can be fatter during hibernation. I read in an old Elmer Keith article that says (according to him) that Grizzlies don't eat people but black bears do, but it seems that Grizzlies do eat people from time to time. [12] Their food choice depends upon the fatty acid and protein concentrations, which are well present in cinquefoil, cow-parsnip, and leaves of dandelion, which are also present in their diet. [9] They often spend mid-day and night in a burrow as well. They are shy creatures and if they feel like they are in danger, will whistle to their fellow chucks as a warning which gave them another nickname: whistlepigs. Their reproductive style is called harem-polygynous, meaning that one male will fight for and protect multiple females at the same time, with whom he alone will reproduce. The male will have 3 to 5 young with each female of his “harem”. By summer, it may have up to four female mates. The woodchuck emerges from its burrow in the early morning and late evening (dawn and dusk) to eat. Most litter sizes are from 3 to 4. Eric A. Mayer They measure from 47–68 cm (18 1⁄2–27 in) in length, have a short tail measuring 13–21 cm (5–8 1⁄2 in) with buffy, reddish and black hairs and hindfoot measuring 7–9 cm (3–3 1⁄2 in).[3]. Yellow-Bellied Marmots reproduce when they reach the age of 2 years. [4] Their ears are small and round, measuring 1.8–2.2 cm (11⁄16–7⁄8 in) in length, having a short white muzzle. Will Chambers [5] Occasionally, they are also known to eat fruits and bark of fruit trees. Watching the rock chuck is the Oregonian version of watching a groundhog. These fuzzy little critters are cute until they wipe out your flowers, dig a dozen holes under your house and crap everywhere. Happy (almost) Groundhog (Rock Chuck) Day! [4] The pelage comprises coarse, long outer hairs and woolly, shorter underfurs. Timothy Mancillas, Contributing/Guest Writers [5] Their back is reddish-brown in color with grizzled black and light-grey tan. Groundhog Day falls on February 2nd every year. Yeah, that’s right crap. Cache Carlson Rock chucks and woodchucks may have similar names, but they are two different, albeit closely related, species of marmot. [8] Only about half of those pups survive and become yearlings. Occasionally, they climb trees and other flora, though they are usually terrestrial. Range and Habits: General Information: Groundhog Day falls on February 2nd every year. [4] They drink less water, as their plant diet mostly serves their water requirements. Mike Kleint Southwards, its range extends into northern New Mexico. Yes, however a wood chuck chucks wood while a rock chuck chucks wood. It was first scientifically described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758. Most of their diet is grass, forbs and other plants, but they will also chow on grasshoppers and bird eggs. [7], Marmots reproduce starting at around two years of age, and may live up to an age of fifteen. The day has its roots in the pagan celebration Imbolc, which eventually became the Candlemas feast in Christianity. I have a rock chuck problem and want to trap then, what do they like best to eat? Cliff T [3] The yellow-bellied marmot has a broad and flat skull, dark head, and a dark nose with a white furry patch.

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