When their teams cross paths, Knuckles takes offense at Rouge’s trash talk. Rouge and Vector have interacted a couple of times in games, usually in an uncomfortable manner. Of course, she'd never be able to take down an agent such as myself. Kamek | Ghasts |

Duon | Her special attack Screw Kick enables her to form a "screw" shape into midair while kicking, while her Drill Drive lets her send herself downward, with her feet first, as a spinning drill that pierces through her opponents.

Trogg | As a spy for the United Federation, Rouge has gone through several forms of special training in self-defense and knows a variety of martial arts.

Though, in the original Japanese version of the video game, Rouge simply says, "You always have friends to whom you can rely on. She has a lot of pride and starts to fight dirty when facing a superior opponent, such as Knuckles (when it comes to power) or Tails (when it comes to flight).

Nihilego | Arceus | Like Knuckles, Shadow does not often accept her flirtation and other times, he simply brushes them off, but Shadow tends to smile around her often and does care for her well-being. Origin Cinnamon | Blaze showed no interest in Amy's attempts to prove Rouge distrustful, and impressed the spy when she took charge and declared the others should either help her or stay out of her way, to which Rouge then followed her lead.

Bonkers | (Note: This is the only time Shadow has appeared in a game with the intent on making money, rather than his usual ulterior motives, although the manual implies that Shadow also joined for the sake of competing against Sonic of who had the better skills.). She has been known to seduce people with her attractiveness to get what she wants (such as kissing Tails in Sonic Battle). Rouge is one of the world's most foremost treasure hunters, as seen during her hunts for the Emerald Shards and the Chaos Emeralds, and her skills on the subject rivals even that of Knuckles'. Rumi Ochiai Knuckles the Echidna | In another instance she wore a strapless high-slit pink cocktail dress with white gloves, white tights, pink high heels and a pearl necklace. She can find the pieces of the Master Emerald just like Knuckles. Bat She battled against the Metarex in Season 3 with Doctor Eggman and released Shadow. Quick Man |

The background music for the stage Security Hall (titled I'm a Spy) by Tabitha Fair in Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, is generally attributed to Rouge. After E-123 Omega reveals to Shadow that he is the one who traps him in the future, Rouge tells Shadow, that she will always be on his side no matter which side he takes, Shadow pauses, then replies strongly replies that he will. Rouge the Bat, from Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia. She is also shown being competent in operating a variety of vehicles, from Nack the Weasel's Marvellous Queen airbike to space shuttles. Kracko | When Shadow had saved the world in the last story, Rouge wonders, "I hope Shadow's okay." Paper Bowser | The trio attempted to disable the Doom Laser, which Rouge tried to reprogram while Sonic and Shadow occupied its laser defense system. Tom Dubius | While Rouge said goodbye to Topaz, Topaz had a tear in her eye, remembering all the good times they had. Aside from Sonic and Knuckles, Rouge has flirted with Shadow a number of times, and has displayed interest in him since he saved her live on Prison Island. It is interesting to note that the background music in her Club Rouge stage from Sonic Battle also has feminine sighing.

Loptr | Guts Man |

King Hippo | Satella Police, Crossover Heroes

Friends/Allies Despite her many past misdeeds, Rouge does not linger on her past, preferring to move forward to new opportunities. Black Doom | Devil Doom | Eclipse the Darkling, Classic Ren of Heavens | [18], It seemed that she was up to her old tricks even after this when it was reported that she had stolen the Master Emerald and planned to sell it off to the highest bidder.

Beat | Carmilla |

Solon | Physical description

Trace | E-123 Omega | Professor Pickle | Powers and abilities | Instead of finding treasure, of course, they end up saving the world, and Team Dark has been a tightly-knit trio ever since. Her name also means "red" in French, possibly named after Knuckles' color. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. is a fictional character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Nicole the Holo-Lynx | Sidesteppers | Knuckles | [16] Scourge easily defeated Locke, but Rouge prevented him from killing the echidna, saying she would not go that far while working with him. Cheese |

When flying, Rouge can move as fast as Knuckles' gliding, but not as fast as Sonic or Shadow can run. Maria Robotnik | Colonel.EXE | Edgar Evernever | [6] She has thus been known to deny having such feelings for him, like in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood where she said he was cute, but not her type. Spider | Later on in Rouge's story Tails had to stop Rouge from stealing a Chaos Emerald. After the rescue, Rouge and Knuckles share a short moment gazing at each other, before Rouge snatches her hand away and retorts with ungratefulness by teasing that he just wanted to hold her hand. Zingers | Porky Minch | Alignment and character traits Moley | Type of Hero This simple hack replaces the main character, sonic, with Rouge, an anthropomorphic bat with teal eyes, white fur, and endowed female features. Ax Battler | Regardless, she is loyal to her closest friends and has more than once helped Sonic the Hedgehog and his allies save the world.

The Pagans (Pan, Circe, Nagaina) | Not long after this, she took part in the collaborative effort of Mobius to combat the Xorda.[8][9]. Sally Acorn | Raiju Clan | Unknown[1] Rouge the Bat is a very beautiful and world-famous treasure hunter. The two of them really hates each other.

Alias Silvia | AiAi | Also, while Shadow is dreaming, an image of Rouge appears and he whispers, "Ally." Powers and abilities Rouge is willing to help the amnesiac Shadow get answers about his past and is shown to have concern for him when they discover the existence of Shadow Androids. In Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, while in Metropolis, Rouge would sometimes be snarky with the plans Tails and Eggman would come up with but still show a playful affection for Tails. Klaptrap | Air Man |

Heartless | Yiga Foot Soldiers, Archie & Riverdale Like most characters, Rouge is associated with a genre of music, specifically smooth jazz/bossa nova/fusion with some feminine sighs thrown in (similarly to how Knuckles is associated with the rap genre). Marino | Her name is also a pun on the capital of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, due to her first name being Rouge and her being a bat. Kathleen Delaney

Kodos |

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