They chased away the Osprey, and Hawks. Netting the pond will cut off all access to the fish allowing you to protect your fish from being eaten or wounded by a Blue Heron. So I'm sorry for your loss. After 20 years of being heron-free, I chased off one as it was downing the last of my frogs (also got one of my bigger fish). Are features this big meant to stay on?? Even though they can be very stubborn, and sometimes nothing will stop the most persistent of feeders, there are still things you can do to help deter them and increase the safely on your pond fish. I have used patio furniture very effectively against the heron!

We lost an 11.5 inch koi last week, and today I was just going out the door to visit the pond when a heron flew off. All copy rights to this material is soley owned by Mike Gannon. A mirror image of the heron itself with actual movement will likely confuse even the smartest of birds, and is a good alternative to regular decoys.

I don’t even catch the GBH anymore on the camera trying to work it out. March 2018 Installed trimmer cord at 13-15″ high, 24″ high and 32″ high. -Mike, Hi, I got splitted 4 acres nursery pond, cultivating koi corps. have to use cement blocks with wooden posts for supports.My question is if one of these Thank you for your tips.,,, Only draw back is the motion detector last a yr or two. In terms of heron hunting depths, both the great blue and great egret (the ones more likely to take koi) usually hunt within a depth range of 5-11 inches (13-28 cm), with the most frequent hunting depth being 7-9 inches (18-23 cm) of water. I set up a trail cam the last time we were there, but got no photos of anything near the pond. A good thing to do also is to move the decoy heron to different areas from time to time so it is not too easy for the real GBH to figure out it is looking at a mannequin of itself. I’m still going to buy a decoy I think, just in case.

Hello Dorothy. I don’t think there is any one solution for all ponds and sometimes customized methods, like yours, need to be considered. Absolutely. Thanks for your interesting comment. Especially a motion activated one! Since the goal of most heron deterrents is to cause panic and scare the heron into flight, what better way than by showing them a picture of themselves! Wife says he’s male,only thing that would be this stubborn. Once we knew that he had been able to survive in there for so long under the worse conditions, we didn’t have any worries about the other fish. Automatic sound repellents are useful for getting rid of flighty animals, and work well against all but the most stubborn of herons. How do I deter Blue Heron away from my pond fish? My pond is 12’X10′ so I took the top framework of a dome tent that would fit around the pond. Hey Cara, the herons can be a real pain and there really is not anything that is 100% heron proof even netting like you have seen. I have used this approach many times with success. If I have a 20metre diameter pond 600-700mm deep would a 1m high vertical chicken wire fence built right on the edge of the near vertical sides stop the heron or will it still fly over and land in the water. Hello Ksaline! I was told this was to keep the seagulls and pelicans out of the pool area.

All gone, the cutest little shubunkins all gone.

Oh, what we do for our fish! So far, it’s only one of my ideas. There is no specific time other than in the middle of the night. When frightened, pond fish will retreat to deeper parts of the pond for cover, but unless your pond is packed with plants or is very deep, they may not have adequate protection. They usually come in two form – one being a normal sound recording, and the other a low-pitched ultrasound device. Can I ask how deep your pond is? The stakes are located around the perimeter of the pond. Herons are not diving birds, they spear their prey and if the fish can stay deep, they can stay away. It really bothers me to think he will only come to my pond if there are live fish moving around. If you have a pond with no natural cover, especially if the pond is shallow, we recommend a fish shelter as this will make hunting much harder for predators. I think if any method works once or twice they are worth it, and it means they may work again; or maybe not. Now that I have your attention lets get to the “TOP 10 LIST” of heron deterrents! Hello Andy, maybe you could send me some photos of those ponds.

Offcourse i considered fishwire or netting, but that creates a situation in which the bird could get entangled, endangering it’s survival. Hi, thanks for commenting. • DEPTH/SIZE – If your pond is less than 24” deep, you may have unknowingly become the proprietor of your neighborhoods “Great Blue Sushi Bar”. The breeze makes them twirl and flash. I thought I’d try some feeder goldfish until spring, then add new koi. A combination of heron decoy, pond netting, and automatic sprinkler/sound system would be a pretty effective deterrent for even the most persistent of predators. Mike.

It is around 8-12 cents a fish and it is lots of fun to watch them chow down enjoy! Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Contact | About, How to Stop Herons Eating Pond Fish (Top Deterrents Compared), How to Lower Pond pH (Advice & Best methods), Koi Gift Ideas Guide 2020 (Great Gifts for Koi Lovers),,, Mexican Butterfly Weed Care & Planting Guide (Asclepias curassavica), 13 Most Invasive Plants in Michigan (With Pictures), Swamp Sunflower Facts, Care & Planting Guide (Helianthus angustifolius), White Turtlehead Facts, Care & Planting Guide (Chelone glabra), 11 Best Plants for Waterfalls & Pondless Waterfalls [Updated], Guide to Giant Water Bugs 2020 (Lethocerus americanus), Complete Guide to Tancho Koi 2020 [Updated], List of Plants Toxic to Pond Fish (Common Poison Species), How to Plant & Grow Mosaic Plant (Ludwigia sedioides), Guide to Different Types of Pond (Natural & Man-made), How To Grow Beneficial Bacteria In Ponds (DIY Methods), Wildlife Pond Maintenance Guide (Cleaning Advice).

Good luck. I have used several strands of green plant support wire and the electric fence up to 2ft 6″ high around the pond edges, running from stakes. Good luck and thanks for checking out the blog. There are floating fake koi, however I have not been able to find them for over a year now, they would work well if you can find them!

Remember if it works even once, it is money well spent. They’re ideally placed alongside regular pond netting for maximum protection, but work very well on their own at deterring most predators from ponds. Many koi breeders and farmers will use fishing line crossed over the pond to prevent the Great Blue Heron from entering the pond. • DECOYS/SCARECROWS – There are many types of decoys available to help deter the Great Blue Heron. String fishing line 6-8” above the ground around the perimeter. Good luck and thanks for commenting!
As long as we had the duck weed we had plenty of frogs and the Heron stayed away.

• TALK RADIO – Ok, now here is my secret method. February 2017 Mike.

Pond is about 10′ x 15′ with stone wall in background and coming out the two sides. Good news that you are using multiple deterrents!! are all in our wheelhouse of talent.

Everything from owl, alligator and such decoys. I also have heavy duty 30lb fishing nylon across the pond every 2ft and crossed over from corner to corner. However the big Koi, thank heavens, survived. good luck, and try to send a photo! I can only assume was a GBH. Finally last question… once we get pond all ready to go (we just power washed and cleaned out leaves/debris) 3) Do we leave the pond running constantly?? …. Let me know how you do with the big floating eye!! It’s possible, yes, as any big change to their environment could make them more cautious.

:’-(, Hey Lisa, sorry to hear the heron finally found you. Decoys rely on the idea that herons are solitary feeders and do not like eating in the company of other herons, so the fake heron should be enough to stop a real heron landing and feeding. Its truly more important to protect your pond with a dome net then to let critters make a feast out of your babies. …… I found an excellent solution!!! It must have been hiding under the little dock the entire time. We have since removed the duck weed and have stocked the pond with fish just a couple of weeks ago.

Most choices are very easy to set up or deal with, and some of them are comical at times. It will be a while before I really get going with it as our house is also a ruin but I’m really looking forward to it. The crows will chase any bird that potentially threatens their food supply, such as Owls, and Hawks. The only deterrent that worked at all–other than a sharpened hoe :-(–was a homicidal fox terrier! Or, have you been looking for a good excuse to get that dog you’ve been wanting.

The other is round ( 6 feet) and very deep.

In areas that it will look aesthetically appealing pick some landscape plants or bushes that can also act as a border around your pond to make access from some sides difficult. Can herons or ravens peck through bird netting?

Grey herons are protected under the UK Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, and killing herons can incur hefty fines and even a prison sentence. Source (Table 3, Fig.4) –

A great heron and cat deterrent which provides pond fish a safe hiding place at the bottom of your pond. has anyone had any experience/success with using these deterrents? May I ask what type of radio you use? The good news is the hungry beasties lurking in the shadows cant see them. Thanks for commenting and sharing your experiences! I have also strung a 6 foot wing-span eagle kite over the pond so that it flaps in the wind. I live in Colorado and my goldfish are under attack! We have a small, 1,000 gallon pond in the backyard.

Hi all August 2018

Both are well stocked with goldfish. The squirt nozzles are on the pump and directionally customized to pond area.

Have you seen this occur? Keep up the good work. Many things work, but one of the best is a radio tuned to a talk radio station left running. Even if they are initially spooked, I think there is a very good chance they’ll return when they get used to seeing it. If you pond is steep sides and deep then the heron will probably not be successful hunting your pond when you put up the fence. I will keep you updated as to how it works. We don’t usually add the tint until the weather gets hotter, but we went ahead and added it yesterday after we woke up to our Easter massacre. Approx. Do you suppose their is a weight limit to the fish they will eat? Thanks for checking out the blog.

Floating netting is sometimes preferred for stopping herons as it’s very discreet and there is less chance of the heron getting under it like with raised netting. -Mike. Even though they are solitary by nature, they will certainly not pass up an easy meal in company if it’s offered to them on a plate!

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